5 Star PlayMakers

Mission Statement
Our mission is to offer all aspiring student-athletes an elite, competitve travel ball program where they can grow as players and people. Providing young competitiors with an environment where they can become champions on the field and in life. Our program also focuses on preparing players and their families for the collegiate level by coming alongside them througout the recruiting process. As a result, our main goal is to help all players under the 5 Star Playmakers banner recieve a college scholarship.
Uniform & Fan Gear
How to Order
5 Star PlayMakers Gear available by mail or pick-up in Garden Grove , California
To place an order please e-mail your order to: 5starplaymakersgear@gmail.com. Please include a contact phone number. We will contact you to confirm your items and your payment information
We accept MasterCard®/Visa® / Venmo/ Zelle

Navy & WhiteÂ
Richardson PTS 40
Red & WhiteÂ
Richardson PTS 40
Navy & Red
Richardson PTS 40
News & Updates
Stay in the Know
Elite Fastpitch Softball Toy Drive Champions
December 6, 2021
Congratulations Ladies for bring the hardware home.

Super Cup All Tournament West MVP
December 21, 2021
Congratulations Larissa Flores for making the West Player MVP on the Alliance Super Cup All - Tournament.

Super Sophomore Brynne Nally Extra Innings Softball Spotlight
December 13,2021
Congrats Brynne Nally has been a stanfout pitcher at Pacifica (Garden Grove, California and also for 5 Star Playmakers.

5 Star PlayMakers Welcomes You
A Dedicated Softball Fan Club

Mark Campbell
Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure
You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure
We want to honor Mark Campbell. He was the best Coach out there. He is the "Goat" of Softball. He is the reason why Coach Neil Siofele & Ed Mulipola started Coaching. Mark shared his blue print of Softball and gave Coach Neil and Ed guidance. He was a big part of Coach Neil and Ed daughters sucess. Neil Daughter Irie Siofele Played for Coach Mark from 10U - 12U and High School. Dejah Mulipola played for him from 10U - 18U and High School. The girls played in Pacifica High School Championship game in 2014. They beat ML King 1-0 12 innings. They got that CIF title that year. Mark was so happy! Mark has won many travel ball championships but he said High School is a different feeling.
Mark Campbell was selected Orange County Register Coach of the year in his first season in 2009 and led the Mariners to the CIF-SS Division 1 crown in 2014. he was widely considered on of the best age -group coaches in the county. He coached thousands of young women and girls over the years and even took a team to Little League Softball World Series. Along with all his responsibiltys of coaching travel and High School. Mark co - owned the Sports Training Complex aka (STC) in Anaheim.
A retired Ingledwood police officer / detective, Mark is survived by his wife Kayla, son Cory and daughters Mallory, Erika and Jaymee and 2 grandchildren.
Please click on the links below and see Mark Campbell Highlights of his history.

Board Members
Making It Happen
Neil Siofele
Ed Mulipola
Vice President
Irieanna "Irie" Siofele
Director of Media / Executive Board Member
Thomas Nally
Pitching Director
Saul Flores
Player Agent Director
Marlene Siofele
Secretary / Adminstration Director
Brandi Mulipola
Treasure / Adminstration Ast.
Teena Cruz Nally
Social Events Chair
Rosemary Flores
Social Events Chair Ast.

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